August 2024
Welcome to our August newsletter. The focus this month puts forward thoughts on a number of issues.
The Special Topic is about directors being fined in the Perth Magistrates Court for not registering and obtaining a director’s ID.
Please note, apologies for a lack of June and July newsletters which occurred for a number of unforeseen circumstances.
Kim is available to help with your questions and concerns if you need any assistance, and as always, the first chat is always free of charge or obligation.
“Bad times have a scientific value. These are the occasions a good learner would not miss. By Ralph Waldo Emerson.
A mistake in business can be fatal for the business and lead to serious loss. If the mistake is not fatal however, it can be a great opportunity to learn to manage their business(s) better.
There are two times when mistakes are made to try and enhance current sales and balance sheet figures for the personal gain of salespeople and managers. Unfortunately, these actions often indicate bad times are ahead for future operating periods. These are:
The mistake of inflating figures for a current financial period as described above, is that you are failing to produce the correct figures for the current period to protect individual needs at the expense of the business’s needs. The fact is that when these actions are undertaken, you are sabotaging the potential good results for both the individuals involved and the business’s needs in the future.
You may also find that your customers react negatively for sales being forced through a month earlier than required. After all, a business focused on operating cleanly and without mistakes which may complicate their operations, do not appreciate such situations.
Too often, it is found that by putting off the bad news for the current financial period in the hope of protecting the individual needs of people in the current period, rarely works in the long run. There is always a price to pay. Historically, it has been found that usually the price of dishonesty in the long term is always harsher than short-term honesty.
Unfortunately, this lesson and the continuation of these types of mistakes in the past which affect the business negatively in the future is rarely learnt.
One of the most important lessons we should have all have learnt since the beginning of COVID, was that debt owed has been one of the main causes of business failure. This fact was observed when many businesses were closed within the first three months of the commencement of the COVID restrictions. It was then found that one of the major causes of many closures was debt from borrowings, plus the commercial debts owed to creditors. Basically, those businesses which did not survive, to pay the all the debts of these businesses as they fell due because of a lack of income.
Since the COVID restrictions were lifted, we have continued to see many well-known and previously profitable businesses which have closed with large debts. There would have been of course numerous smaller businesses less well known and reported, which have also closed for the very same reasons.
Apart from finance debts which were the cause of many of the insolvencies during COVID, we have seen for many years the insolvencies of business which expanded too quickly because of another factor. This factor was aggressive expansion by the use of borrowings. Many of these businesses thought they were invincible, or saw the potential in immediate expansion. To do so however, they needed to borrow to finance that expansion.
The problem with debt, is that it needs to be paid back, plus interest. When plans do not work out and income falls, this debt and interest still need to be paid. The question then remains and is a massive conundrum factor for all businesspeople, “Is it better to borrow to start or grow your business with debt, or to proceed more slowly via savings or a capital injection by the owners of the business?”
The true value of your Debtors Ledger is always measured by the number of invoices which will be paid within, or shortly after their respective due, or after resolution of any problems.
Unfortunately, all invoices which are unpaid or subject to unresolved problems, mistakes which have been identified but not yet not rectified, or raised without being approved by the customer, or delivered to the incorrect address, are nothing more than unprocessed liabilities.
The effect of the above unresolved invoices, will result in many negative and unnecessary and costly expenses to your business. The perfect example is illustrated in the following paragraph.
Recently, an opportunity to buy a business was discontinued when the prospective buyer found that the accounts figures were “materially misstated.” The reference to this article is, “Doctors owed millions in eReports collapse” by Max Mason in the AFR 21/5/2024.
What this situation also reveals apart from shoddy business practices, is another aspect of business which I have also written about in the past. There are no secrets in business anymore. In this case, the figures on the value in the Debtors Ledger were discovered to be seriously out of order, and the truth was exposed for all to see.
Recently ASIC prosecuted two Western Australian directors and obtained convictions in the Perth Magistrates Court and fined $5,000 each for failing to obtain their respective directors’ IDs. The link to this information can be found at
Details about obtaining a director’s ID can be found at this link
Credit Matters is a financial risk management resource centre for the Australian business community. If you are in business, Credit Matters is your ideal source of financial risk management solutions.
Credit Matters is continuing to grow and provide marketing and knowledge about financial risks to the Australia business community.
Futhermore, we invite marketing and knowledge ideas from our readers and contributors on how we can assist our respective firms grow. If you have any ideas, please contact me at
If you are interested in finding new ways to reach your marketplace, why not try Credit Matters. Our prices for advertising are very reasonable and advertising packages are on offer to make any cost, even more affordable. So if you are interested in reaching your customers at the right price, please contact Kim at for options.