Risk Management Does Not Limit Your Business - It Enhances Your Business Opportunities.

Kim Radok founded Credit Matters in 2001. The global business environment was more stable and predictable then. As circumstances evolved, so did Credit Matters, which has continued to change as flexibility is vital to survive and grow during the best and worst of times.

Operating a profitable business is a much tougher proposition today, with continued uncertainty and ever-increasing risks seemingly around every corner. A few of these factors are associated with COVID, the possibility of a pending recession increasing in severity, increasing inflation and the risk of another pending war in trouble spots around the world.

By understanding the principles of business risk, and potential opportunities available, even in turbulent times, you will know how to make profits with the right wisdom and processes. After all, well-identified risk detected early, is a catastrophe evaded and sound experience enables are greater potential for future success.

The best solution is almost always found by acting positively with a clear understanding of the right processes and acting positively after due reflection.

Contact Kim today for more information on how to operate profitably by understanding the nature of risk and profiting from it. 

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Open for Business!

Need help with
Credit or Accounts Receivable

Currently, I am between a number of assignments and have time available to assist if required. Therefore, I am open to additional business, whether that be a review of your credit and accounts receivable operations or picking up the telephone and calling your customers about unpaid invoices.

Tenure and rates are always negotiable.

Quote of the Month

This Month's Quote...

If you’re proactive, you focus on preparing. If you’re reactive you end up focusing on repairing. John C. Maxwell.

Each month, Credit Matters researches and introduces a quote as the basis for the segment Monthly Business Observation in our monthly newsletter.

Want to know more? Click here to read the article in this month's newsletter

Like to receive our monthly newsletter? Click here to sign up for newsletter.

Online Store Feature Product

The Human Sins of
Technology in Business

Many years ago, when asking about the errors associated with unpaid invoices, I was often informed that “… our computers don’t make mistakes!” Of course their computers don’t, however, the humans inputting the information into their computers do!

This feature is not about discouraging the use of technology in business. Rather, it is focused on the positive aspect of making better business decisions on how technology can be used more constructively for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Find it in our Online Store

Real Person Consulting and Contract Assistance

Real Person Consulting and
Contract Assistance

It’s Easier, Faster, and More Productive to Engage a Professional with Sound Experience. 

Irrespective of your business predicaments; often, it’s simply easier, faster, and more productive to engage a seasoned professional. Sound knowledge coupled with experience from a seasoned professional helps you resolve, identify and implement strategies for greater success.

Kim is available, either as a mentor/sounding board, short-term consultant, or as a contractor.  

Credit Matters Blog

These blogs are designed to motivate business people and other professionals to improve their business operations to better understand financial risk management issues.

Improving the way you manage your financial risk management obligations, will assist to improve sales, cashflow and profits, whilst enhancing stakeholder relationships.

Latest Blog Post:


Kim Radok 23 July 2024

Often when you mention risk management, too many people still think of the profession in a negative context. Risk management is not about just saying “… no you cannot do that…!” It is all about classifying and the using the information identified to make more money, or not to lose it by negligence, arrogance, or by making the wrong decisions.

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Surviving The Recession - 10 Essential Steps

Surviving the Recession
in 10 Essential Steps

It is apparent that the recession has started, although not declared yet because of changing calculations by organisations with vested interests. If you don’t believe the recession is here yet, then at least take note of the many people who are now suggesting it is not far away.

To survive the recession and come out the other end in the best possible state, your objectives must include identifying whether you have the financial resources to survive, especially in the short term. If you don’t have these resources, working to close down your business with a minimum of financial, emotional and reputation loss, may be the best decision you ever made.

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Surviving the Recession Chart

Reviewing a Recession - A Calendar of Events

Reviewing a Recession
A Calendar of Events

Updated January 2022

Yes, the recession is now here and declared. However the full effects are not yet clear for every business. Despite the huge cost in commercial, social and people terms, there are always opportunities to minimise the damage or to perhaps survive and grow.

The purpose if this feature is to simply and briefly document the major events which are occurring in the hope we can all learn from this event. After all, there are many aspects of this recession which can benefit our commercial endeavours if only we can keep our minds open and emotions in-check

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Sales Replacement Calculator

Sales Capital Cost
Replacement Calculator

Due to our current circumstances around combating the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s totally reasonable to expect, or at least prepare for, a global slowdown – and even recession.

Two factors I've constantly encouraged business owners and managers to focus on – after cashflow – have always been the costs of bad debt write-offs and the cost of fixing mistakes.

Credit Matters has a produced THE SALES and CAPITAL COST REPLACEMENT CALCULATOR to identify the cost of replacing capital lost when the account is written-off or mistakes have to be processed.

Read More and Try It

Sales cost calculator

Credit Matters Information and Members Area

Free Members Area

The free Members Area includes special features which may not be available to the general public.

The fundamental purpose of our Members Area is to build an environment where business people and students can learn and understand the issues associated with financial risk management in the business environment.

Members Benefits

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Government Agencies

Government agencies

Government Agencies

Government agencies are a source of helpful and valuable information to mitigate some of the risks of operating and managing a business. The information is designed to help you operate within Government guidelines and Legislation. In addition, you will also find information to help you understand your rights in business.

In today's world, ignorance is no excuse.

Credit Matters has provided these access details to Government Agencies to keep yourself better informed and help you to better navigate the world of business.

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Professional Bodies

Professional Bodies

Joining a professional body shows you are interested in the development of your career. There will be many professionals which will not show a similar initiative. Today, you need every advantage in this very competitive business environment.

Professional bodies provide the following opportunities and advantages and an acceptance of your professional qualifications by your peers.

  • Training and conference opportunities to maintain and update your qualifications, mostly at a discounted rate to that of non-members.
  • Newsletters and magazines keep a professional in touch with current information and legislation applicable to their industry.
  • Networking opportunities enable you to meet your fellow peers and professionals from associated professions.
  • The joining fee and annual subscriptions are reasonably priced and an investment in your long-term career.

If you are not yet a member of a professional body, review the professional bodies listed with Credit Matters to add value to your career.

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